Hello people, welcome to another tutorial, this time I will show an easy and simple way to animate and control lip-sync of your characters! There are two ways to do this: The simple way is create the keyframes in HOLD with the corresponding keyframe animation. You can also create a slider for control the keyframes, [...]
Skol – Skol Folia 2013
Arthur Siqueira2018-07-04T19:22:42+00:00Operation Skol Folia 2013. Video created to promote Carnaval 2013 together with Skol, the idea is to invite fans of the brand to join the promotion that will promote a "general" for the Carnival of some of the main carnival cities of the country, Salvador , Recife / Olinda, Ouro Preto, São Luís do Paraitinga [...]
Perdigão – Mestre Churrasqueiro de Bolso
Arthur Siqueira2018-07-04T19:00:29+00:00Video created to promote the App Mestre Churrasqueiro de Bolso.

COPAG – World Series of Poker WSOP : TV Comercial 30s
Arthur Siqueira2015-08-03T13:01:06+00:00TV commercial made for COPAG , about the WSOP poker tournament.
Rede Globo – Final Draft
Arthur Siqueira2017-11-28T23:11:14+00:00Video created to present the Final Draft tool, a specific Word Macro for the writing of chapters of the dramaturgy programs, which facilitates the life of the authors.
Cheetos – Promotion Iron Man 3
Arthur Siqueira2018-07-20T12:23:53+00:00Promotional video of the online game from Cheetos website , launched to support the film Iron Man 3.
Birdie – Product Management Platform PIMI
Arthur Siqueira2017-11-22T11:36:33+00:00Work done to present the Birdie tool, a platform created so that the teams involved with product management do not waste more time with the exchange of content.

Celular Google Nexus 4 – TV Comercial 30s : Brazil
Arthur Siqueira2015-09-25T16:05:22+00:00TV commercial for the smartphone Google Nexus 4.
Coca-Cola Femsa – Premium Suppliers
Arthur Siqueira2018-06-20T01:33:05+00:00Coca-Cola Femsa Video with the theme World Cup Russia 2018 created for Premium Suppliers 2018, awards event for suppliers.
Amstel – Vai de Amstel que dá Jogo
Arthur Siqueira2018-06-14T11:38:55+00:00Video created for an agency competition project, with the aim of announcing the arrival of Amstel beer in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil.