In this quick tutorial, I'll demonstrate how to create a Loop animation using the trapcode particle generator, the PARTICULAR. You will learn how to set up your particle for the desired animation to then apply the technique and generate an animation with seamless loop. Watch Now on Youtube in HD Techniques: >> Learn to use [...]
Tutorial 07 – Lip Sync After Effects
Arthur Siqueira2017-05-25T02:11:44+00:00Hello people, welcome to another tutorial, this time I will show an easy and simple way to animate and control lip-sync of your characters! There are two ways to do this: The simple way is create the keyframes in HOLD with the corresponding keyframe animation. You can also create a slider for control the keyframes, [...]
Tutorial 06 – Camera Map 3ds Max
Arthur Siqueira2017-05-25T02:13:49+00:00Hello! Welcome to another tutorial, this time I will teach how to use the Modifier Camera Map; it assigns a planar mapping based on the current frame image of the viewport background, it is different from the Camera Map WSM (World Space Modifier) that will updating the mapping according to the motion of the video [...]

Tutorial 05 – Cell Screen Replacement After Effects
Arthur Siqueira2017-05-25T02:21:48+00:00In this tutorial I will show you how to put an image to the screen of a cell phone, It can be applied to a TV or any other device that you want to replace or insert content. We will use the Motion Tracker in After Effects. Watch Now on Youtube in HD Techniques: >> [...]
Tutorial 04 – Wiggle After Effects
Arthur Siqueira2017-05-25T02:24:52+00:00This time we will teach the Wiggle expression, maybe the most used of all expressions. With Wiggle, you can quickly create random movements to any layer. It is very simple to use, but depending on the animation, you can find some difficulties, so we will cover in this tutorial a few ways to use this [...]
Skol – Skol Folia 2013
Arthur Siqueira2018-07-04T19:22:42+00:00Operation Skol Folia 2013. Video created to promote Carnaval 2013 together with Skol, the idea is to invite fans of the brand to join the promotion that will promote a "general" for the Carnival of some of the main carnival cities of the country, Salvador , Recife / Olinda, Ouro Preto, São Luís do Paraitinga [...]
Tutorial 03 – Progress Bar After Effects
Arthur Siqueira2017-05-25T02:29:37+00:00Tutorial demonstrating how to create progress bar in After Effects and control them from a Slider in a Null Object. We also show the creation of a text that represents the percentage progress bar. Watch Now on Youtube in HD Techniques: >> Using Shapes to create the bar >> Controllers creation >> Learn to use [...]

Tutorial 02 – Linear Expression After Effects
Arthur Siqueira2017-05-29T14:44:40+00:00In this tutorial I’ll be showing you how to create a clock with real operation, put in a 3d scene and track hours from a Slider Controller that will also influence the lighting according to the time. Everything will be done through the Expressions. Watch Now on Youtube in HD Techniques: >> Using Shapes to [...]
Perdigão – Mestre Churrasqueiro de Bolso
Arthur Siqueira2018-07-04T19:00:29+00:00Video created to promote the App Mestre Churrasqueiro de Bolso.

COPAG – World Series of Poker WSOP : TV Comercial 30s
Arthur Siqueira2015-08-03T13:01:06+00:00TV commercial made for COPAG , about the WSOP poker tournament.